Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquakes listed on March 10, 2011

These are the earthquakes listed on March 10, 2011.

1. Mindoro, Philippines: With a moderate seaquake. Magnitude of 5.o

2. Bali Sea: Harmless and deep but very strong below the Bali Sea Floor. Magnitude of 6.5

3. Guatemala: Moderate shallow earth. Magnitude of 4.7

4. New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea: Harmless. Magnitude of 4.6

5. Myanmar-China Border: Extremely dangerous earthquake. Magnitude of 5.4

6. Panama-Costa Rica Border: Moderate but shallow. Magnitude of 4.6

7. Honshu coast, Japan: 8.9 Magnitude with multiple aftershocks ranging from Magnitude 5 to 6

8. Babuyan Island: Harmless earthquake. Magnitude of 4.9

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