Monday, August 27, 2012

Hello Uncle Sam!

It is our first day in the United States of America and what can I say. All tired from an exhausting 28 hour flight with an hour stopover in Nagoya, Japan.  It seems a lifetime worth of waiting for this day to happen.  * long years. Now I am elated. Excited. Still not believing I am here. Yes, with my family.  I thank the Lord too for giving us loving friends. God made them as instruments to prepare us with our stay here. What is more exciting is that, I get to start with a new job and a new beginning.  I know it will be hard. It will be extremely difficult because life here as they say is difficult.  But I would say, it could be challenging.  Life could be challenging anywhere we go but as long as we have faith, hope and love around us. Everything will turn out okay.  Sharing with you a photo of my kids with their first cookie eaten at Fort Lauderdale airport.  This is their first ever photo together in Florida. Tired but very happy together.

Time to snooze... It's a great new beginning! Cheers to good life, good health, abundant blessings, overflowing love and overwhelming happiness!  More blogs to in the days to come!

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